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Set your intentions. Claim your power.

Jewelry with a statement.



dos22 believes in art + sustainability + consciousness.

Making beautiful things by hand is a deep throughline of human culture. It’s our art that connects us all. Our ancestors have a long-established history—spanning over at least 140,000 years—of making and wearing beads for currency, status, power, talismans, amulets, and for prayer. 

We as a society have moved away from this appreciation for things that are created slowly by hand in favor of convenience and expediency. It’s time to remember why we create and share cultural capital via the energy exchanged by making beautiful things by hand.

Slow fashion is sustainable fashion. Each design is handcrafted and one-of-a-kind. Like an original painting, no prints or reproductions of that exact design will ever be made again. All designs start with an intention and end with a vibe. Gemstones are selected to support and balance the energy centers, aka chakras. If you don't believe in the electromagnetic potential of gemstones to have a positive effect on your energetic + physical + emotional well-being; all good, you're still rocking some fly wearable art.



Good question. This concept was birthed from the existential dread 2020 resurfaced. The dread made a home in my soul, but the chaos of living had quieted my inner voices...

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