Good question. This concept was birthed from the existential dread 2020 resurfaced. The dread made a home in my soul, but the chaos of living had quieted my inner voices of wisdom and her comrade, doubt. Then there was the deafening silence of being in the eye of a storm.
I've always been existential, my earliest existential memory is from around age 5 wondering why I was on Earth. Like for what purpose am I here for because make it make sense already? Why was I thinking like that at 5... not sure but gonna try to stop saying *existential* and lighten up the mood haha. The point of this conversation is why do we do anything?? Instead of questioning the meaning of life, I am choosing to come up with the question that gives meaning to life. So why dos22??
Art has always helped me find meaning in life whether consuming it, creating it, or sharing it. Art has a way of inspiring a sense of "We aren't alone, someone else gets it." My entire life I've been a secret artist, only my closest family and friends knew I was creative because I would give my art away for special occasions. The idea of being an artist brought joy, but taking the idea out of the abstract and grounding it into reality seemed unrealistic and downright tragic. I feared the reality of an artist was either to be exploited or have your soul crushed... I've seen and experienced it many times working as a Hollywood assistant + executive. Yeah no, thank you...
But now... Past experiences and observations don't have to be the stories I run with as truth for myself. Now is the time to experience life instead of letting the fear of XYZ stop me from starting. So the time is the present.
D.O.S. is my initials and 2022 is the year I started betting on myself as an artist. So altogether we have dos22.
Much love,
The crown jewel of any persons collection; these pieces are premium, quality and exquisite!
Love my gems !
I purchased the necklace and it’s my crown jewel of my collection; these pieces are premium!
Love my gems!
Washington, DC
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