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22 reasons dos22 loves you

  1. You are worthy of love simply because you exist. 
  2. You see the best in yourself and others and you speak on it. 
  3. You never diminish your light. 
  4. You are open to what you don’t know. 
  5. You are an explorer. 
  6. You admire beauty without questioning your own.
  7. You dress like you're going somewhere better later even if there is nowhere to go. 
  8. Your dreams chase you. 
  9. You know life's too short to wear boring jewelry. 
  10. You don’t let fear stop you from showing up authentically as you. 
  11. You use every bit of talent you have. 
  12. You’ve found beauty in your pain. 
  13. You know life is waiting to show you how good it gets. 
  14. You don’t need others to love your choices, you're not performing for anyone. 
  15. You know beauty doesn’t have to ask for attention. 
  16. You're content watering your own grass because you know sometimes the grass looks greener because it's fake. 
  17. You know beauty is never perfect.
  18. You’re okay with being wrong because you know you will always find what’s right. 
  19. You’ve starved your ego to feed your soul.
  20. You would never trade your honesty for reliability. 
  21. You know you are always enough. 
  22. You’re becoming.

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